Inclusions Cytoplasmic

Cytoplasmic inclusions (inclusiones cytoplasmaticae, lnh) are accumulations of various substances in the cytoplasm of a cell, delimited from the environment by a membrane or without one.

Cytoplasmic inclusions include:

  1. Lipid droplets - in the form of small or large droplets, contain triglycerides and cholesterol esters.

  2. Glycogen inclusions are accumulations of glycogen molecules.

  3. Pigment granules - contain various pigments, such as melanin.

  4. Protein inclusions are accumulations of proteins, such as enzymes.

  5. Crystals and calculi are deposits of inorganic salts, such as calcium oxalate.

Thus, cytoplasmic inclusions are accumulations of various substances in the cytoplasm of the cell, playing an important role in metabolism.


Cytoplasmic inclusions are endogenous structures of the cell cytoplasm that are not part of membranes and subcellular organelles. They are a consequence of catabolic reactions, in which the transformation of substances from an anabiotic state into a bioactive one occurs, facilitating their faster occurrence. Excretion occurs as a result of changes in osmotic pressure, the formation of hypoxia and hyperxia due to the smell of decay products of biological microorganizations. Their removal is supported by axonal cells and immunoreactive elements, including proteolytic enzymes. In this case, bactericidal lysosomes are produced. They come in a variety of colors, sizes, fortifications, and properties.


According to the function performed, cytoplasmic inclusions are divided into two groups: * regulatory, taking part in homeostasis - they are associated with the interconnected regulation of the ribosomal system and the activity of enzymatic molecules; * energy complex - they provide trophic and energy support to cell organelles. In addition, static and dynamic inclusions are distinguished. The first group includes accumulations of glycogen, lymphoid particles, and nuclear components. Dynamically, cytoplasts correspond to various metabolic activities of cells. In addition, conditional division is carried out according to the composition and localization of structures.

Histochemical study

To perform histological examination, areas of staining are examined under a microscope. Colored inclusions are distributed according to the main stages: - stage of removal of total organic matter - staining with a lame drop of Gente. Empiric; pyridine substances. An alcohol mixture of aniline and acetic acid is added to the work in a ratio of 1:3; - catalytic modifications - acid stains of Giemsa, Volta, Kamchild. Increasing the volume of the structure, identifying granules and nuclei. Acetone is added; - staining with nigrosine substances - benzidine stain, hematoxylins. Detection of red blood cells, melanin and melanics. The color combination is indigo carmine, eosin and methylene blue. The vascular component and corneal indicator can be traced; - coloring of acidic derivatives – acid red and isothiocyanate; - fluorescent diagnostics - scanty or luminescent pink AMU, gel, Schmorl; - immunologists