Emission Daytime Inadequate

Daytime inappropriate emissions - a problem of men's health or a peculiarity of the body?

Daytime emissions are the involuntary release of urine and/or seminal fluid that occurs without sexual arousal. Unlike nocturnal emissions, during daytime emissions there is no dream phase.

There are the following types of daytime emissions: * Obstructive emissions * Orthostatic emissions (associated with fluctuations in intracranial pressure) * Mainly during the day * In a state of alcoholic intoxication * In case of auto-meteorological and plane accidents * Sexual ageusia and apraxia There may be several reasons for the appearance of this problem, for example: - Dysregulation of the nervous system (due to stress, overload, fatigue) - Obesity - Diseases of the nervous system

Treatment for each man will be individual and depend on many factors: • diseases of the reproductive system;

• vascular atherosclerosis;

• genital injuries,

and of course, a timely visit to a specialist will help find the problem and solve it. The doctor will listen to complaints and conduct a full examination (blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid tests; palpation of the prostate, neurogenic and hormonal status). Only after a comprehensive examination will the cause of daytime enuresis become clear. The choice of treatment method most often depends only on determining the cause of the process, since the help of a gastroenterologist, neurologist or other doctors is often required. - Treatment often requires changes in lifestyle, healthy eating, and mental peace. In any case, we are not talking about any self-medication; for example, you can lead yourself to erectile dysfunction. For all types of wet dreams, it is necessary to take herbal preparations, such as Chinese pills for potency 40x - as well as B vitamins, weight loss drugs and cerebral circulation stabilizers. These measures, combined with regular exercise, proper nutrition and limiting masturbation, will help get rid of the causes of nocturnal emissions. In addition, it is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty foods, properly alternate physical activity and rest, and reduce stress levels. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe medications based on herbal or plant extracts to enhance male potency. It is important to remember that taking any drug must be agreed with your doctor. Thus, although wet dreams are a normal physiological process, in some cases they can become a serious problem and require a visit to the doctor. Timely examination and treatment will help restore men's health and improve the quality of life.

Pollution is the involuntary release of prostate secretions through the urethra in men. This phenomenon appears mainly at the age of 14-16 years. It manifests itself in the form of a “morning emission” associated with dreams of erotic content. This is a physiological process caused by a violation of the nervous regulation of the tone of the smooth muscles of the pelvic organs. Depending on the reasons that caused the emission, there are spermatorrhea, profuse emission, paradoxical emission, planned and spontaneous, lunar, extrasexual, colorless, white, pre-ejaculatory emission. It is also worth mentioning a type of emission - daytime emission, which occurs under the influence of non-sexual irritation.

This condition when pollution cannot be controlled is stressful for a man. It may be followed by depression and even a nervous breakdown. Changing your lifestyle, normalizing your emotional state, and properly organizing your day will help you cope with the situation. And also to prevent nocturnal and daytime emissions, personal hygiene and regular sex life are required. It has been proven that exhausting sexual fantasies can lead to malfunctions of the genital organs and sexual dysfunction. These include premature or irregular ejaculation, impotence, and testicular development disorders. You also need to visit