Incoherence Speech

“Speech incoherence” (incoherent language) is a linguistic phenomenon in which a person’s speech is not consistent and understandable to the interlocutor or listeners.

Usually this phenomenon is associated with cognitive disorders, such as schizophrenia, developmental disorders, etc. The disorder implies the following: a person has difficulty choosing and formulating phrases, the sequence of speech is disrupted, incorrect placement of words in a sentence, problems with the beginning and ending of phrases, speech may be very fast or vice versa very slow. However, incoherence can also be observed in those who suffer from emotional disorders, difficulties in perceiving information, etc.

In most cases, the causes of speech encogeria are hidden inside the skull, and bear little resemblance to external influences known to all of us. This is especially true for older people, who often develop such an imbalance in the nervous system, which leads to disruption of communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It turns out that what is usually a property of the intellect in healthy people and simply the result of the work of the right hemisphere of the brain, in the body of “old people” becomes a pathology. And when it turns on in young people, for example, due to psychotrauma, depression, drug addiction, reasonable questions arise - why do people need a head if all it does is already lead to incoherence? In such cases, it begins to seem that if scientists study this process, they will unwittingly help young people improve their speech, memory, strengthen attention and improve emotions and memory. So, this is what Incoherania is like - the death of many ideas about language...