Sexual Constitution Index

In modern society, sexuality and sexual activity play an important role in people's lives. However, each person has his own individual sexual needs, which depend on genetic heritage and environmental influences. For a more accurate assessment and study of the sexual constitution, there is the concept of the Sexual Constitution Index.

The Sexual Constitution Index is a combination of three indicators that characterize various aspects of a person’s sexual constitution. These indicators include:

  1. Individual sexual need: This indicator reflects the individual propensity for sexual activity, which is determined by genotype and exposure to environmental factors. Some people may have a high sexual need, requiring frequent sexual intercourse, while others may have a lower need.

  2. Level of sexual activity: This indicator assesses the intensity of sexual activity in a particular individual. It can range from a high level of activity, where sexual intercourse is frequent and intense, to a low level, where sexual activity is rare or absent.

  3. Sexual constitution as a whole: This indicator is the arithmetic mean of the scores for certain characteristics, calculated using a special table. These signs take into account various aspects of sexual activity and sexual need, as well as other factors influencing the sexual constitution.

The Sexual Constitution Index allows scientists and researchers to obtain a more objective assessment of a person's sexual constitution. It helps to better understand differences in sexual activity and sexual desire between people, and to identify possible links to genetic and environmental factors.

Using a special table to calculate the indicators of the Sexual Constitution Index allows you to unify the assessment and make it more objective. This approach allows for comparative studies, as well as tracking changes in the sexual constitution over time.

However, it should be noted that the Sexual Constitution Index is not the only and definitive tool for measuring and understanding sexual constitution. Sexual activity and sexual desire are complex and multifaceted phenomena, and they can be influenced by many factors, including cultural, social and psychological aspects. Therefore, the Sexual Constitution Index should be considered as one of the tools in a wide range of studies of sexual activity and sexual desire.

In conclusion, the Sexual Constitution Index is a comprehensive approach to measuring and assessing various aspects of a person's sexual constitution. It includes indicators of individual sexual need, level of sexual activity and the arithmetic mean of scores for certain characteristics. This index helps scientists and researchers better understand sexual constitution and its relationship with genetic and environmental factors. However, it is important to remember that sexual activity and sexual desire are complex and multifaceted phenomena, and they can be influenced by various factors. The Sexual Constitution Index is only one of the possible methods for studying their relationship.

The term sexual constitution was introduced by the German sexologist Leopold Stekel, and comes from the Latin constitutio - structure. The concept describes the characteristics of the genital organs, their effectiveness, on the basis of which a person’s sexuality can be defined as healthy, suppressed or excessive [3].

The Sexual Constitution Index is a tool for assessing a person's level of general sexual activity. The index consists of three components: general need, activity and the state of the sexual constitution. The index can be determined only by assessing a number of physical and physiological indicators of the body, mainly the genital organs and glands. Although the index is not accepted in Russia, it is widely used throughout the world as an effective tool for monitoring a person's sex life, especially in cases of hormonal therapy or diseases that may affect the health of the reproductive system. In this case, it is extremely important to determine the condition of the glands, tissues and organs and, if necessary, conduct additional examination. It is important to take into account not only the physical aspect, but also individual characteristics, psychological factors, such as moral and social norms and expectations. It is extremely important to know not only the current level of sexual constitution, but also the speed with which it changes. When assessing health status, medical history and potential health problems must be taken into account. Assessment of the sexual constitution index can be useful for consultations on family planning and treatment of diseases of the reproductive system, as well as for the development of individual recommendations for physical activity and lifestyle that helps maintain the health of the reproductive system. In addition, the sexual constitution index is an important tool in monitoring the progression of sexual dysfunction in older people, since after the transition to new types of sexual activity (in particular, after sexual intercourse), the level of sexual constitution indices of partners changes greatly. Also, the index of sexual constitution is important when studying problems of reproductive health and developing effective treatment for inflammatory diseases. It is necessary to study the influence of social factors on the formation of innate characteristics. In general, the sexual constitution index plays an important role in medicine, psychology, sociology and other disciplines related to the study of the human body and lifestyle. It allows you to learn about the innate characteristics of the body and predict possible changes in the context of various aspects of lifestyle and functional diagnoses. Ultimately correct

Definition of I PC. General concept of sexual constitution. And PC is a kind of measure of general sexual health. Based on this concept, you can know the level of your sex drive. In Gunther's “Basic Law of Sexual Biology,” the type of temperament mentioned first is Temperament. There are correlations between it and the sexual constitution that have been studied extensively and with mathematical precision. For example, Friedl Dwyer established a close connection between temperament according to Hans E. S. Flies and sexual activity (Friedl R. Rozdunguinek). He described the relationship between concepts such as temperament and sexual constitution as follows: “After all, both men and women can have different temperaments and different sexual constitutions, that is, different sexual differences.” Günther was the author of the theory that the basis of sexual activity is strong mental experiences that influence sexuality, such as love or satisfaction from success or a hobby, rather than masturbation. A staunch anti-anarchist and dictator of Prague Castle, he applied his concept of sexual will to women until about 1922, when he stopped forbidding them to undress during physical examinations. He strongly advised his patients to write down their sexual experiences. This method was called introspection.

After Günther's death, the sexological school arose, which was founded within the psychoanalytic school by Vladimir Reich, Sigmund Freud, Adolf Grossman and Sandor Rado. Reich worked on theories of sexuality based on his own life experiences. An investigation into the sexual behavior of patients led Reich to the discovery that a **clinically unhealthy person could have a normal sex life** according to social standards. However, beyond this framework, sexual