Indomethacin 100 Berlin-Hemi

Indomethacin 100 Berlin-Chemie: description, use and side effects

Indomethacin 100 Berlin-Chemie is an anti-inflammatory drug derived from indoleacetic acid. It is produced in Germany by Berlin-Chemie AG and Menarini Group and is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, synovitis, acute gouty arthritis and reactive arthritis.

Indomethacin 100 Berlin-Chemie is supplied in the form of suppositories with the active substance indomethacin in a dosage of 100 mg. It is available under such synonyms as Apo-Indomethacin, Vero-Indomitacin, Indobene, Indovis E.S., Indocollir, Indomet-Ratiopharm, Indomethacin, Indomethacin (Movimed), Indomethacin 50 Berlin-Chemie, Indomethacin Vramed, Indomethacin Sevtopolis, Indomethacin Sopharma , Indomethacin-Acri and Indomethacin-Biosin.

Before using Indomethacin 100 Berlin-Chemie, you must ensure that there are no contraindications. It should not be used for hypersensitivity, rhinitis, conjunctivitis or bronchospasm while taking NSAIDs, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, bleeding (especially intracranial or from the gastrointestinal tract), thrombocytopenia, hypocoagulation, suspected necrotizing enterocolitis, severe renal failure, congenital heart defects (tetrad Fallot, pulmonary atresia), proctitis (suppositories) and pregnancy (due to possible teratogenicity).

When using Indomethacin 100 Berlin-Chemie, side effects may occur, such as nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal bleeding, rectal bleeding, toxic hepatitis, constipation, arterial hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances, bone hypoplasia brain, aplastic anemia, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction, fluid retention, hyperglycemia, glycosuria, hyperkalemia, pruritus, urticaria, exfoliative dermatitis, hair loss, erythema nodosum, photosensitivity, hematuria, dysuria, meningitis, headache , dizziness, depression, insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, drowsiness, hypersensitivity, pain at the site of insertion of suppositories and others.

Before starting treatment with Indomethacin 100 Berlin-Chemie, you must consult your doctor and follow all his recommendations. It is not recommended to exceed the recommended dosage or duration of treatment without consulting your doctor. If side effects occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.