
Inductotherapy is a method of physiotherapeutic treatment based on the use of a low-frequency alternating magnetic field.

The essence of the method is that the area of ​​the body in need of treatment is exposed to an inductor that generates a magnetic field of certain parameters. This magnetic field induces weak eddy electric currents in the tissues of the body, which have a healing effect.

Inductotherapy is used for many diseases and pathological conditions: pain in the joints and spine, neuritis, myositis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and others. The magnetic field improves blood circulation, accelerates tissue regeneration, relieves swelling and inflammation, and normalizes metabolism.

This method of physiotherapy is non-invasive and has virtually no side effects or contraindications. It can be used both for medicinal purposes as prescribed by a doctor, and for prevention and general strengthening of the body.