
Induration is one of the skin care methods. This term can have different meanings depending on the context. In cosmetology, induration is used to refer to the procedure for subcutaneous administration of drugs, in medicine - to describe the process of skin healing after injuries and surgical interventions. However, not all experts use this term correctly and competently, which is the main reason for the emergence of a large number of erroneous opinions regarding its use and the mechanism of action on the skin.

The history of the origin of the term “induration” goes back several centuries. It is believed that the first to use induration in therapy was the Roman scientist Avicenna. Today, the induration procedure is performed all over the world, and most often it is used by doctors, cosmetologists and manicurists and pedicurists.

Induration can help relieve a variety of skin health problems. With injections, nutrients and active components are introduced under the skin, which help maintain the health and youth of the skin. - Induration is used to combat age-related changes. Thanks to the injection of active substances, the skin becomes firmer, denser and more elastic. The procedure also helps get rid of age spots and other defects.

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