
In the modern world, people have become increasingly frivolous about concepts and words; they are losing their significance and are being replaced by other concepts. This is due, first of all, to the fact that people forget their spiritual roots and traditions, and cease to honor and respect the significance of rituals. Once sacred meaning

Rituals are an integral part of our lives; they can be formal for a certain social and cultural level or informal. In this context, we will consider forms of ritual behavior and their impact on the psycho-emotional state, as well as how they can be used for therapeutic purposes.

Ritual behavior is repeated, often predictable, socially approved actions that are associated with some event that is usually associated with an increase or decrease in social status. Rituals can be social, religious or even ceremonial. Such actions lead to a conscious or unconscious increase in anxiety, tension and feelings of uncertainty, which can lead to negative consequences.

However, ritual is not only an integral part of our culture, but also a powerful tool for therapy. In psychology and psychiatry, rituals are viewed as a means by which people determine and organize their behavior in specific situations, cope with internal conflicts, and regulate their emotions.

Examples include various forms of meditation such as mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation and yoga. They are aimed at working with the mental state, allowing people to control thoughts, emotions and actions. Mindfulness Meditation is basically holding one's attention and actively accepting one's current thoughts and feelings while focusing one's mind on something that one can focus on. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Transcendental Meditation is a form of mantra-based meditation, a mantra chanted three times in a row and conveying the basic thought OM BHUR BHUVAH SVAHA or AUM HIHON HOSH. Yoga is a system of physical exercises aimed at harmonizing the entire body through various postures, breathing control and control over thoughts and feelings.