Industrial Toxicology

Industrial toxicology is a branch of general toxicology that studies harmful substances (toxins) that are initial (formed as a result of chemical reactions), intermediate (formed at intermediate stages of chemical reactions) or final (formed and released into the environment in the form of gases, vapors, dust, aerosols) industrial products and developing appropriate hygienic standards (maximum permissible concentrations), preventive (measures to prevent the entry of substances into the body) and therapeutic (measures to combat poisoning and its consequences) measures.

Industrial toxicology studies the effects of harmful substances that are formed during the production process on the human body and animals. These substances can be toxic, that is, capable of causing poisoning, or harmful, that is, causing various diseases.

Within the framework of industrial toxicology, research is carried out aimed at studying the mechanisms of action of harmful substances on the body, developing methods for their detection and determining concentrations in air, water and other environments. Work is also being carried out to develop methods for the prevention and treatment of poisoning and diseases caused by exposure to harmful substances.

One of the main directions of industrial toxicology is the development of hygienic standards, that is, maximum concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area, on the territory of enterprises and in the environment. This helps prevent workers and the public from being exposed to hazardous substances.

Industrial toxicology also deals with the development of methods of protection against harmful substances, such as the use of special filters, ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as training workers in safety rules when working with hazardous substances.

Thus, industrial toxicology is an important field of science that helps ensure industrial safety and protect the health of workers and the public.

Industrial toxicology is an important branch of toxicology that studies the effects of harmful substances associated with industrial production on the environment and human health.

Currently, a large number of chemicals are used in production, which can cause various types of diseases. In addition, industrial waste contains heavy metals, which also pose a serious threat to human health and the environment. Therefore, industrial toxicology is an important area of ​​scientific research aimed at developing preventive and therapeutic measures.

Tasks of industrial toxicology:

Study and analysis of potentially harmful factors in the workplace, as well as identifying potential problems associated with environmental pollution by chemical and industrial waste. Development of regulatory documents and standards establishing requirements for product safety and production, as well as measures to protect the health of workers and the environment from harmful influences. Forecasting and preventing possible accidents and incidents at industrial enterprises, aimed at preserving the life and health of people and protecting the environment from pollution. Study of the interaction of various chemicals with each other, the consequences of their use in the workplace and the impact on the health of workers and the environment. Assessing the environmental friendliness of production and waste disposal processes, determining their impact on the environment and worker health.


Despite the fact that toxicologists are considered specialists involved in the development of measures aimed at detecting and eliminating the harmful effects of chemical and biochemical compounds and other causes that negatively affect human health, the direction itself has significant differences from the usual concepts of poisoning and intoxication. As a rule, toxicologists are engaged in the search for and prevention of pathologies that develop as a result of environmental influences to which a person is exposed due to the characteristics of his professional path. To explain it very simply, the task of toxicological research is to study the impact of industrial (harmful) substances on the body, after which the company’s specialists develop measures to reduce the burden on the human body from processing raw materials.

To avoid typical poisonings, it is extremely important to know:

- chemical properties of substances;

- their impact on the human body, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism; - danger when interacting with other chemical elements. Toxic hazardous substances can be divided as follows: - industrial poisons that are constantly present in production, entering the body through inhalation, in persons