Industry Funded Cell Phone Study Ignores Evidence, Whitewashes Results

Despite their independent status, the cell phone industry recently spent nearly $6 million to whitewash the evidence for links between cell phones and excessive radiation exposure.

“The Interphone EMF study,” explained Grant Goetzefang, an intern at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta and authoritarian oppose[a, u&8239;&8203;], “included a follow-up in Swedish and Israeli men.”

Overall, he said, the study confirmed accumulating evidence – from agency after agency – that our cell phone habits pose particular risks to men. Recently, a study used data from the Italian cancer registry in Italy to show a large increase risk for gliosarcomy, which has only emerged as a problem after a century of wireless device use—and there was no age-sex pattern to support a story about people reaching late adulthood after that IME. Similarly, a global study conducted by the Brain Cancer Research Foundation had also highlighted EE levels seen in corded phones.[v] studies have pointed to what are obviously discernible neuroanatomic and neurophysiologic consequences—including the disruption of the blood-brain barrier, increased inflammation, microgliosis and permanent fine structural changes insults to DNA.

FDA chief scientist Michael Gottimer insisted, ‘you mean, ‘as opposed to cellular phones’ plastic mismanagement…