
Although marijuana and cannabis are used interchangeably, marijuana is a form of cannabis that is obtained from the dried flowers, leaves and stems of the Cannabis sativa plant. It is a popular drug that is used recreationally and for medicinal purposes.

Marijuana contains more than 100 active components called cannabinoids. The most famous cannabinoid, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is the main psychoactive component that causes euphoria and alters the perception of time, space and feelings.

Additionally, marijuana contains cannabidiol (CBD), which has no psychoactive properties but has potential medicinal uses. CBD can help with pain, anxiety, depression and other conditions.

Marijuana use can cause unwanted side effects such as dry mouth, increased heart rate, paranoia, and panic attacks. Additionally, long-term marijuana use can lead to health problems such as lung damage and mental disorders.

In some countries, marijuana is an illegal drug, while in others it may be used for medical purposes or legalized for recreational use.

Overall, marijuana is a complex drug that has both positive and negative aspects. If you are considering using marijuana, it is important to seek the advice of a physician and make decisions based on your own knowledge and common sense.

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is one of the most popular drugs in the world. This plant contains more than 100 chemical compounds, of which the most famous is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the main active constituent of marijuana.

The use of marijuana has a long history. It has been used for religious, medicinal and recreational purposes in various cultures. Today, marijuana has become the subject of extensive research and its use is becoming more common.

One of the main ways to consume marijuana is smoking. Other uses include eating or drinking, using as an oil, or applying topically to the skin.

However, despite all its popularity, marijuana is still a subject of discussion and debate in society. Some believe that marijuana is harmless and even beneficial to health, while others argue that it is dangerous and can lead to various health and behavioral problems.

There are many studies that try to find out how marijuana affects the human body and what its effects may be. Some studies show that marijuana use can lead to increased blood pressure, impaired motor coordination, poor memory and attention, and possible mental disorders.

However, there are also studies that suggest that marijuana may have health benefits in certain cases. For example, its use can help with pain, reducing inflammation, cramps and other diseases.

Although marijuana is still illegal at the federal level in many countries around the world, some states and countries have already legalized its use for medical or recreational purposes. However, it is important to remember that marijuana use can have serious consequences, and before using it, you should consult a doctor or other professional to evaluate all the risks and side effects.

Thus, marijuana remains one of the most controversial drugs in the world. Its use has both pros and cons, and decisions about its use should be based on sound facts and consultation with specialists.

Marijuana is a type of cannabis that contains psychoactive substances that affect the mind and body. It was known in ancient times and was used for medicinal purposes and in religious rites and rituals. However, its use was banned in most countries of the world, and now it is