Infantilism Pituitary

The pituitary gland has a strong influence on the pituitary body, the development of organs and systems, and also changes human behavior. However, this influence may not always be positive: in some cases, organs and systems receive incorrect signals from the pituitary gland, which leads to deviations in growth and development from the norm. As a result of such a deviation, one can observe distorted formation of the skeleton, problems with sexual functions and other deviations that entail the emergence of infantile traits.

INFANTIL OSTEOPHONOSIS. If a woman’s height is significantly behind the average statistical norm, this should be alarming, because most likely she has a pituitary infantilizing process. With this pathology, there are few bones in the pelvic area and a complete absence of primary sexual characteristics. Of course, many such women choose male professions, but it is hardly possible to say that a woman with a deformation of the reproductive system would choose a male occupation. Of course, such professionalism amazes others and looks quite funny. Especially if it is related to construction or sports.

Infantility of the pituitary type increases the likelihood of somatic abnormalities. Coping with such a problem can be extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible without the help of doctors. The pathology is treated by taking hormonal medications, because the pituitary infantile is not able to increase its own hormone production.