Infantilism Adrenal

Let's start with what "infantilism" is. **Infantilism (from the Latin infantilis - childish)** is a concept that is used to describe the personality of a person prone to childishness, maintaining childish habits, whims, prolonged resentment and a depressed state in case of difficulties or discomfort. Infantile individuals are particularly sensitive, emotional, and caring for other people, and they tend to remain attached to their loved ones and friends. In general, it is something associated with behavior that is not related to age and may be less developed or less mature than other people. However, although the term is associated with children and adolescents, some adults may also have characteristics of infantile personalities. And so, let's figure out how the adrenal glands can be associated with infantility.

The adrenal glands play an important role in the functioning of the human body. They are responsible for the production of hormones and regulate various processes in the body, including metabolism, stress response, blood pressure regulation and many others. The adrenal gland consists of two parts - two glands - the adrenal cortex and the medulla. The adrenal cortex is responsible for the production of many hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline. The adrenal medulla produces another important hormone - aldosterone. This hormone is responsible for maintaining sodium and potassium levels in the blood to keep the body functioning properly.

Thus, the adrenal glands play an important role not only in maintaining homeostasis in the body and regulating various body functions, but also in the emotional state of a person. When our emotional state