Infection Sick leave

Infectious diseases in hospitals are a problem that is more relevant today than ever. More and more people are faced with the need to be hospitalized due to inflammation, and the risk of infection increases every week.

First, infection is likely to occur one way or another due to the negligence of medical personnel: their shoddy work, insufficient disinfection and absolute inactivity can cause re-infection and the spread of infections, for example acute pneumonia in patients with COPD or salmonellosis in a patient with end-stage renal failure. When treating infectious patients, hospitalization is useful for two reasons: firstly, isolating the patient prevents the spread of infection, and secondly, it will provide accurate diagnosis and comprehensive treatment. However, the problem is that hospitals are very limited in the availability of beds for infected patients, even if there is space on the ward.

How to protect yourself from the possibility of infection? The health authority must be determined to fight