Infection Combined

In modern medicine there is such a thing as combined infections, which covers several diseases and disorders. Such a symbiosis can lead to complications during the treatment process, which is why it is so important to diagnose the infection in a timely manner and prescribe the correct treatment.

Combined infections are not one disease, but several, in which different bacteria are involved - for example, staphylococci and streptococci. They can affect the same area but have completely different symptoms.

As a rule, such infections are associated with poor quality work of hospitals and medical institutions, and weak control by doctors. This is precisely what caused scandals in one of the clinics in Italy, where patients were given counterfeit medicines using empty ampoules instead of real medicines. Unfortunately, violation of the law led to many complications for patients, including the death of some of them, especially the elderly.

Many doctors in Russia work without taking into account co-infections and prescribe treatment only on the basis of one disease, which leads to ineffective therapy. This is due to the lack of resources for diagnosing the patient’s body, as well as rapid changes in treatment tactics based on the analysis of pathogenic flora.

Fluctuations in course may not be a good reason for the risk of co-infection, because the disease can appear at any time and does not depend on the timing of the visit.