Inflammation Hyperergic

Hyperergic inflammation is a pathological process characterized by an excessive response of the immune system to injury or infection. The main signs of hyperergic inflammation:

  1. Increased local and systemic inflammatory response, inappropriate to the degree of tissue damage.

  2. Excessive activation of leukocytes, macrophages, release of large amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines.

  3. Increased local and general signs of inflammation - swelling, hyperemia, infiltration of immune cells, fever.

  4. Damage to the body's own tissues by inflammatory mediators and immune cells.

  5. Chronicity of the process, delayed or incomplete resolution of inflammation.

Genetic predisposition, defects in immune regulation, and persistent infection can lead to hyperergic inflammation. It underlies many autoimmune and allergic diseases. Treatment involves suppressing the activity of the immune system.