Influenza (Flu)

Influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus. The disease can manifest itself in varying degrees of severity, from a mild form, which resembles a common runny nose, to a severe form, accompanied by fever, headache, aching legs and lower back, cough and runny nose.

The flu is dangerous because with a cold it easily turns into pneumonia, in addition, with the flu all sorts of diseases come to life - healed tuberculosis, inflammation of the kidneys, it especially affects the liver. If you have a severe runny nose and fever with the flu, the illness usually goes away faster, but without them it drags on, and all sorts of complications easily appear.

Once the disease is identified, measures must be taken immediately to treat it. It is important to start by taking a laxative and try to sweat well, drink a very hot infusion of linden, mint or raspberry, go to bed and cover yourself with bottles of hot water, and wrap yourself up. This produces a fairly quick and profuse sweat.

In addition, it is necessary to take aspirin or salicylic sodium 0.5 orally twice a day. The mouth and nose should be washed with at least a solution of manganese (pink) or boric acid, since the infection nests mainly in the mucus.

Traditional medicine can also be effective in treating influenza. For example, you can grate a raw onion on a medium-sized grater, pour in a bottle of boiling milk, but do not boil, and let it brew for 20 minutes in a warm place so that it does not cool down. Drink this infusion hot at night. If someone cannot drink the entire bottle at once, then half can be drunk in the evening, and the other half in the morning, but always hot. Continue this method for several days. In this case, the flu passes without any complications.

Thus, influenza is a serious disease that requires immediate treatment. At the first signs of illness, measures must be taken to treat it, including drinking hot drinks and taking medications. In addition, traditional medicine can be effective in treating influenza. It is important to remember that self-medication can be dangerous, so you should consult a doctor before starting treatment for the flu.