
Hello! Here is an article with the title "Pest control":

Disinsection is the destruction of arthropods (insects and ticks) - carriers of pathogens, pests of food supplies and plants. In everyday life, pest control practically comes down to the destruction of flies, cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, lice, as well as protection from mosquito bites, mosquitoes and ticks.

Disinsection measures are conventionally divided into preventive and exterminatory.

Preventative measures include: keeping the home and utility rooms clean, regularly wet cleaning them, netting windows and doors, storing food products and waste in containers inaccessible to insects, which prevents their appearance and reproduction.

Extermination activities are carried out using physical, chemical and biological methods.

Physical ones include: beating clothes, using a vacuum cleaner, various traps, fire and boiling water to kill insects.

Chemical - the use of insecticides, acaricides, larvicides in the form of powders, solutions, aerosols. They act through the outer integument of insects, enter with food or through the respiratory tract.

Biological methods are based on the use of pathogens of insects and their natural enemies, as well as methods of sterilization of males, which reduce the number of pests.

Thus, disinsection is a set of measures to destroy and prevent the spread of dangerous arthropods in everyday life and the environment.

Do you want to get rid of insects at home? Pest control is an effective way to get rid of many types of insects, including cockroaches, ants, fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes and spiders. What is insect pest control? Disinfestation is a preventive measure aimed at exterminating insects - pests in a certain residential area, premises and in a certain area or territory. Disinsection measures are aimed at destroying larvae, eggs, as well as all adults. This is what distinguishes Dissection from disinfection. Since DezaSections destroy only one type of insect, DezaSection measures are not a single universal pest control. procedure. As a rule, Dezu Sects are included in plans for comprehensive disinfection services and are carried out in unsanitary conditions. Or by qualified personnel of one disinfection service. Or even incompetent (beginner) personnel of disinfection services, called on occasion from several companies. As a result, not only is the DezenSpets campaign ineffective, but often the treatment is carried out with outdated disinfectants. However, Desectation is very often carried out by unqualified dealers without experience in the field of Destruction services. However, disinfestation can also be dangerous to human health, so it is recommended to contact professional disinfection specialists. How is plants disinfected? It is very important to disinfect plants at home in a timely manner to prevent infection by dangerous bacteria and fungi. To achieve this, comprehensive measures are used, using insecticides and fungicides for plants. It is recommended to carry out disinfection at least once every two months. This process must be carefully monitored and all recommendations of specialists must be constantly followed.