Motherwort Hearty

Guarded. Lamiaceae (Labiatae). Common names: heart gold, lion's tail. Parts used: flowering aerial part. Pharmaceutical preparations should not contain coarse, woody parts of the stems. Pharmacy name: motherwort herb - Leonuri cardiacae herba (formerly: Herba Leonuri cardiacae).

Botanical description. A perennial plant reaching a height of approximately 1 m. From a short rhizome, several erect, branched, rigid stems are formed - tetrahedral, grooved, hollow inside, often reddish-violet.

The leaves on the petioles are arranged oppositely, palmately dissected; however, the upper ones are only three-lobed. The leaves are densely pubescent, serrated at the edges. Small pale red two-lipped flowers are collected in false whorls. Blooms from July to August. No one can say with certainty whether this plant is native to Eastern Europe or Central Asia. In Europe it is distributed almost everywhere; grows near fences and hedges, along forest edges and village streets, in wastelands and dry meadows.

Collection and preparation. The grass is collected during flowering, but the rough lower parts should not be taken. Dry in bundles, hanging them in the air in the shade.

Active ingredients: bitterness, essential oil, tannins, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides and a small amount of alkaloids.

Healing action and application. Menopausal phenomena caused by unrest and a state of fear with strong heart palpitations, especially in a lying position, with anxiety and shortness of breath are the main indications for the use of this plant. But both flatulence and gastrointestinal diseases are quite suitable for its use. Mixed with valerian and hawthorn, it is used as a means to enhance cardiac activity.

My special advice. There are a variety of nervous disorders of cardiac activity and atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, which in older people lead to insomnia, frustration and states of fear. Here I recommend tea, which - along with motherwort - also contains other healing plants.

Pour two teaspoons of the mixture into 1/4 liter of boiling water, strain after 5 minutes.

Use in homeopathy. Homeopathic original tincture of Leonurus cardiaca is prepared from the fresh herb. This remedy is used mainly in dilution D1, occasionally in lower dilutions (D1) or the original tincture. Take 2-3 times a day, 10-15 drops for menopausal ailments, cardiac or nervous weakness and flatulence. In general, motherwort can be used in all cases where valerian is applicable.

Use in folk medicine. Strengthening, revitalizing, stimulating, an effective remedy against fear and anxiety, but also against worms, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and mucus - this is how traditional medicine characterizes this healing plant. In addition to this, motherwort is also considered a remedy for goiter, although in case of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, preference is given to motherwort.

Side effects. At the indicated therapeutic doses there is no reason to fear side effects. If higher doses are used, there may be vomiting, body pain, bloody stools, and unquenchable thirst.