
Otitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Otitis media is a disease characterized by damage to the mucous membrane of the middle ear by pyogenic microflora. This is a common condition that can affect anyone, regardless of age. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of otitis media.

Causes of otitis media

Penetration of infection into the middle ear is the main cause of otitis media. The infection can be caused by various microorganisms such as staphylococcus, streptococcus or pneumococcus. In children, otitis may occur after infections such as diphtheria, measles or scarlet fever. Otitis media can also develop after an ear injury or when the immune system is weakened.

Symptoms of otitis media

Symptoms of otitis media may vary depending on the stage of the disease. Typically, otitis media goes through three stages.

In the first stage of the disease, a person may experience pain in the ear, which can be very severe and painful. The pain may spread to the teeth, temple and back of the head and is aggravated by coughing, sneezing or swallowing. Hearing loss and reddening of the eardrum are also observed.

In the second stage of otitis media, the eardrum perforates and pus begins to leak from the ear. Suppuration can last from several days to a week. After perforation of the eardrum, pain decreases and overall health improves.

At the third stage of otitis, the inflammatory process subsides. The patient's general condition improves, body temperature decreases, and suppuration stops. The eardrum heals, but if the hole is significant, the defect may remain, which ultimately leads to hearing loss.

Treatment of otitis media

Treatment of otitis should be comprehensive and aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, reducing symptoms and preventing complications.

During treatment, it is necessary to maintain bed rest and take antipyretics if the body temperature is elevated. Antibiotics such as penicillin, cephalosporins or macrolides are prescribed to kill the bacteria causing the infection.

In the second stage of otitis, wet cleaning of the external auditory canal is carried out with hydrogen peroxide, boric alcohol or ethacridine lactate. If otitis media persists, paracentesis is performed - a puncture of the eardrum to drain pus from the middle ear cavity.


It is caused by a common disease that causes pain and discomfort. Penetration of infection into the middle ear is the main cause of otitis media. Symptoms of otitis may include ear pain, hearing loss, redness of the eardrum, and purulence. Treatment of otitis should be comprehensive and include antibiotics, antipyretics and wet cleaning of the external auditory canal. In case of prolonged otitis media, paracentesis may be required - puncture of the eardrum to drain pus from the middle ear cavity. If you suspect otitis media, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Otitis is an inflammatory process in the ear that can be caused by various reasons. Typically, otitis media occurs due to infection or allergies, but sometimes it can be associated with ear injuries or other medical conditions. Otitis media can cause severe pain and discomfort and can lead to hearing loss. Treatment for otitis depends on the cause and may include antibiotics and other medications. In some cases, surgery may be required.

Symptoms of otitis may include the following:

• Ear pain

• Ear discharge

• Ear congestion and hearing loss

• Headache and pressure in the ear area

Causes of otitis media include infections, injuries, and allergies. Infections are most often caused by bacteria (such as streptococcus) or viruses (such as influenza). Injuries can lead to rupture of the eardrum, which leads to infections and the development of otitis media. Allergic reactions can cause swelling and inflammation in the ear canal area.

Treatment for otitis media may vary depending on the cause and stage of the disease. This usually involves taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and drops to reduce pain and discomfort. Sometimes surgery is required to remove damaged areas of the eardrum or other damage. In any case, it is important to consult a doctor to determine an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Otitis is a serious disease that can lead to long-term consequences and complications. Therefore, it is important to follow your doctor's recommendations and take all necessary measures to maintain healthy ears and hearing. To prevent otitis media, you should avoid contact with infectious patients, maintain ear hygiene and promptly treat any infections. In addition, it is important to take care of your immunity, eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.