
Infrapatellar: what is it?

Infrapatellar is a term used to describe the anatomical structures located under or in the region of the patella (lat. patella). The word "infra" means "under," so the infrapatellar structures are located under the kneecap.

One of the most famous infrapatellar structures is the tendon of the carpal epicondyle of the femur (lat. ligamentum patellae). This strong tendon connects the patella to the femur, providing stability to the knee joint and helping to propel the leg.

In addition, the infrapatellar space contains many other structures such as ligaments, muscles and blood vessels. For example, the infrapatellar ligament (lat. retinaculum patellae inferius) is an important element of the knee joint, keeping the patella in the correct position.

Dysfunction of the infrapatellar structures can lead to various diseases, such as bursitis, tendonitis and even arthritis. Therefore, it is important to seek professional help for any knee pain or other symptoms related to this area.

In conclusion, infrapatellar is a term that describes the anatomical structures located under or in the area of ​​the patella. These structures play an important role in maintaining stability and mobility of the knee joint, and their disruption can lead to various diseases. If you have knee problems, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

The infrapatellar layer of the hamstring is located on the inside of the knee. The patella is a small protuberance that serves as the fulcrum for the leg when running, walking, and squatting. In order to understand how the infrapateldar layer works, you need to understand what functions the knee joint performs.

The joint has the shape of a horseshoe, inside which there is