
Inguinal (lat. inguinalis) is a word of Latin origin, meaning “relating to the groin area.”

The groin region is the space between the thigh bones and the pubic bone, bounded in front by the abdominal wall and in the back by the pelvic muscles. This area contains the external genitalia, spermatic cord and lymph nodes.

In the groin area there are inguinal canals through which blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic vessels pass. There is also the inguinal canal, which connects the abdominal cavity with the pelvic cavity and contains the spermatic cord.

The term “inguinal” is used in medicine to refer to pathologies associated with the groin area, for example, inguinal hernia, inguinal lymphadenitis, inguinal fistula, etc. This term is also used in surgery to refer to operations on the groin area.

The word Inguinal refers to the medical field and is used to refer to the parts of the body found in the groin areas. Some of these areas are used for surgical operations as well as for the treatment of various diseases.

For example, an inguinal hernia is a condition in which abdominal organs (stomach, intestines, ovaries, etc.) are pushed out through an opening in the peritoneum and into the groin area. An inguinal hernia is usually diagnosed in people over 60 years of age, but it also occurs in young people and may be a consequence of physical overload or weakening of the abdominal wall. This type of hernia requires surgery.

Another type of groin disease worth mentioning is inguinal lymphadenectomy. This is a procedure performed to remove lymph nodes during treatment for ovarian cancer and other tumors. Lymphatic fluid that forms near the groin can cause inflammation, causing an abscess to develop. Lymphangiosarcoma (tumor of the lymphatic system) can also develop in the groin tissue

Inguinal - what is it? Inguinal what is the difference?

Perhaps these words are not familiar to everyone. And many have heard about the groin, but few people knew about such an interesting term as “groin”. The word "groin" itself comes from the English "inguinal". It is translated from English and means "pertaining to the groin area." It refers to the area from the lower chest to the upper abdomen and includes the muscles, tendons and blood vessels located in this area. These muscles are: rectus abdominis, obliques and internal obliques. Now everything has become clear.