
Priadel is a drug containing lithium that is used medically to treat bipolar affective disorder (BD). Lithium is one of the most effective medications for treating bipolar disorder and can help reduce the frequency and severity of episodes of mania and depression.

Priadel is manufactured by Essential Pharma and is available in the form of tablets containing lithium carbonate. The drug is usually taken three times a day with or after meals. The dosage varies on a case-by-case basis and may be adjusted by the physician depending on the patient's response to treatment and side effects. Usually start with a low dose and gradually increase it until the desired effect is achieved.

Although lithium can be an effective medication for bipolar disorder, its use may be associated with some side effects. Some of them can be serious, so it is important to consult your doctor before you start taking priadel. Some of the possible side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, drowsiness, shaking, and changes in appetite. Long-term use of lithium may also cause changes in thyroid function and an increased risk of developing kidney disease.

However, when used correctly and under medical supervision, priadel can be an effective medication for the treatment of bipolar disorder. Lithium is one of the most studied medications for bipolar disorder and can help patients reduce the frequency and severity of episodes of mania and depression, which can significantly improve their quality of life.


Priadel is a mineral fertilizer that can be used both for growing vegetables and fruits in agriculture, and for use at home. The name "priadel" comes from the word "lithium", a mineral that has similar properties to this fertilizer.

First of all, lithium products are a popular type of fertilizer used in the world's major climate zones. It has the highest concentration of available lithium in nature. The element is involved in many vital processes occurring in the body of plants, especially it helps to increase photosynthesis. As crops grow, they consume lithium in small quantities from the soil. When plants need to be fed, the value of “available lithium” in a given fertilizer is calculated as the ability to transfer this element to the roots. Based on these indicators, the share of lithium is 40%-50% of the total number of chemical elements. Typically, the higher the concentration of lithium, the higher the availability of the compound for plants. For agriculture, it is important to increase soil acidity after adding potassium through its interaction with dissolved silica and aluminum. At the same time, in soils of a more acidified type, potassium can no longer be absorbed by plants, because they themselves are in an acidic environment. Otherwise, it is not possible to achieve the required level of ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus in digestible form. In addition, the high content of the latter element leads to strong phosphate, as the main obstacle for lithium ions on the way to the cell membrane. Another condition for increasing the convenience and ease of movement of lithium within cells is the presence of trace elements such as magnesium and calcium. It is these elements that “take care of soil fertility,” improving the quality characteristics of seeds during their germination and budding. Lithium fertilizers help saturate the ovaries with a useful product. Thanks to this plant you get less