Inguinal Ring Subcutaneous

Subcutaneous inguinal ring: anatomy and role in the human body

The subcutaneous inguinal ring is an opening in the muscle wall of the thigh, located in the groin area. It is one of the key anatomical structures responsible for maintaining the integrity of the abdominal cavity and protecting internal organs from prolapse.

Anatomy of the subcutaneous inguinal ring

The subcutaneous inguinal ring is located in the groin area, below the inguinal vault and above the crease of the thigh. This hole is oval-shaped and is surrounded by muscles and ligaments. The outside of the ring is covered with skin, and inside it there is subcutaneous fatty tissue.

The role of the inguinal ring of the subcutaneous

The subcutaneous inguinal ring plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of the abdominal cavity and protecting the internal organs, especially with increased intra-abdominal pressure. The ring forms a passage for the spermatic cord in men and for the round ligament of the uterus in women.

In some cases, the subcutaneous inguinal ring can become a weak point in the muscle wall of the thigh and cause internal organs to protrude outside the abdominal cavity, called an inguinal hernia. This can happen with exercise, coughing or sneezing.

Treatment for an inguinal hernia requires surgery to strengthen and close weak spots in the muscle wall.

In conclusion, the subcutaneous inguinal ring is a key anatomical structure that plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of the abdominal cavity and protecting the internal organs from prolapse. It can also become a weak point in the muscle wall of the thigh and lead to an inguinal hernia, which requires surgical repair.

Groin ring. Subcutaneous.

The inguinal ring, or subcutaneous ring, is an anatomical structure that is the anatomical limit for the large volume of muscle and subcutaneous fat on the abdominal wall. It is located in the lower part of the abdominal wall, below the rib cage, in the groin. The inguinal ring is formed by two muscles: the external oblique muscle and the transverse abdominis muscle. These muscles meet at the posterior border of the psoas major muscle. The space between these two muscles is called the inguinal space.

Function of the inguinal ring: * Provides protection against damage to organs and blood vessels during exercise, active movements and stretching of the abdominal wall muscles. * Acts as an important factor for normal limb movement, reducing friction between muscles and ensuring spinal stability by reducing shearing forces.

Location of the inguinal opening:

The inguinal ring is located at the level of the root of the scrotum in men, under the skin of the groin area. At this level, the abdominal cavity passes into the large femoral bursa - the largest subcutaneous bursa in the body, with a capacity of up to 6 liters and a length of up to 15 cm. The large femoral bursa is located above the inguinal canal and surrounds it from the outside. Above the omentum, through which the mesentery connects to the rectum, another 5-6 cm above the pubic bone. In women, the inguinal area of ​​the femoral bursa is located at the level of the navel, regardless of the level of punctures along the white line. The large femoral skin is called the plate. It is much wider and softer than that of men. Below is the pubic suture - the outer border of the pubic bones. This seam is in the shape of a narrow ellipse. Its size can vary in women from the smallest in size in thin women to gigantic shapes in overweight women and in very large and strong women. Divided by pubic spines. Normally it is almost invisible, but it is clearly visible if a woman looks down. The thickness of the plate in women is on average 3-4 cm, and in men 2-4 centimeters. The pubic plate and the inguinal area form two small round depressions; they are filled with subcapsular fat. So this is very dangerous for infection to enter the abdominal cavity. There's nothing that can grow in the warmth and humidity where it is. If body temperature rises to the limit of thermoregulation, people begin to lose consciousness before severe heat overload occurs. In men, the inguinal canal is wider than in women. On the frontal side, on the contrary, it is more pronounced in women than in men.