Krabbe Diffuse Infantile Sclerosis

Crabbe Diffuse Infantile Sclerosis (Crabbe Diffuse Infantile Sclerosis) is a disease characterized by mental, motor, sensory and coordination disorders. It occurs as a result of damage to the central nervous system and is observed in children and young adults. The pathology is hereditary in nature and can

Krabbe Diffuse infiltrating sclerosis (Krabbe disease) is a hereditary disease that causes the death of nerve cells in the human central nervous system. The disease is transmitted from parent to child genetically. Symptoms of this disease can include loss of coordination, muscle weakness, speech problems, and even vision and hearing loss. There is no cure for the disease, but there are treatments for the symptoms of the disease that help relieve symptoms and prolong the patient's life. The diagnosis is confirmed by genetic testing. There are currently several ways to help patients with this disease, including bone marrow transplantation, immunotherapy, and clinical genetic therapy. Crab Diffuse Infiltrating Sarcoidosis is assigned a group of high potential danger.