
Inoperability is a state of the body that is characterized by the inability to perform the actions the body needs in a specific place and time. At the same time, the body does not have any other biological reactions aimed at survival, for example, changes in metabolism or immune status, and therefore there are no visible signs of stress. If it is impossible to correct the inoperability, the body “refuses to live,” existing in a state of exhaustion until the very end. In addition to being the subject of research by many scientists, this condition is also of interest to other specialists. If health allows us to think, then the inoperability of thought serves as a vivid example of the so-called spiritual blindness, while the symptoms of external inoperability are too obvious. This article will try to provide some clarification on this topic using the previously outlined definitions.

Inoperability is extremely rare in medical practice, especially among developed countries. However, we can often encounter examples of inoperability in everyday life when we try to perform actions that other people consider simple. In fact, even for those who know the answer, it can be very difficult to do without the proper tools. That's why people developed