
Trichromasia is the ability to see colors that are not recognized by dichromatic people. Due to genetic factors or health problems, people with trichromacy may be able to perceive the three primary colors (red, green and blue) and have increased sensitivity to the short wavelength visual spectrum. This type of deviation, unlike color blindness, is not associated with individual deviations of visual cells. Trichromatism begins to appear in children at different ages, often at an early age, around 3-4 years. But in order to accurately understand whether there is trichromacy or not, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis that will confirm the presence of this deviation. This is done by conducting a color vision test. The standard test of a person's ability to distinguish colors uses the Historical method. A person is given two disks - red and green. Next, you are asked to view 12 discs, half of which are green and the other red. The subject must press the button after seeing the disk he sees for the second time - green or green. For trichromat people, the press will be red. Using this simple method, the presence of a deviation/the occurrence of pathology is determined.

The trichromatic color perception system is an adaptive mechanism for the visual system to perceive color differences. It is defined in humans as an innate property: people with this mechanism have a predisposition to red, green and blue colors. Most people do not have two or all three color abilities. Among the residents of our country, the problem of complete trichromasia is more common than among the population of Europe. Since the adaptation of the eye to color occurs thanks to the corresponding cells in the retina, trichromats represent a genetic mutation, and, therefore, can produce offspring of their own kind.

Trichromacy (Tritachromacy, Trichromasy) is a concept used in psychology and neuroscience that describes people with a non-standard vision of the color palette. These people are able to distinguish more shades of colors than most people, which makes them unique and often attracts interest from scientists and the general public. In this article we