Foreign Bodies of Soft Tissues

Soft tissue foreign bodies are pieces of foreign objects that enter and remain in the soft tissues of the body.


Most often, foreign bodies are localized on the arms and legs. These can be pieces of metal, wood or glass. Foreign bodies (fragments of injection needles) are somewhat less common in the gluteal areas.

Symptoms and course

Immediately after the injury, only superficially located foreign bodies are removed. Some of them, located in deeper layers, may remain unrecognized and unremoved. After complete healing of the wound, local pain sometimes persists at the location of the foreign body. More often, the wound does not heal completely - a fistula with a small purulent discharge is formed.


Diagnosis of radiopaque foreign bodies does not cause difficulties. Glass and wood foreign bodies are more difficult to detect.


Treatment is surgical. Significant difficulties can arise when removing foreign bodies in complex anatomical areas (hand, foot) or in bulky soft tissues (buttocks).

Before anesthesia and surgery, the foreign body is marked with metal needles under an X-ray machine in two planes. Antitetanus serum is administered before surgery.


The prognosis is favorable with timely removal of the foreign body.

Features of removing fish hooks

The site where the hook is introduced and the intended exit area for the sting are anesthetized. The hook is pushed through the soft tissue until a sting appears on the surface, it is bitten off, then the hook is removed in the opposite direction.