
An instructor-disinfector is a junior medical service specialist who has received special training and has experience in the practical implementation of disinfection, disinfestation, deratization, as well as in supervising the work of disinfectors. This profession is important and in demand in various fields of activity, such as healthcare, food industry, agriculture and others.

The disinfection instructor must have certain knowledge and skills in the field of biology, chemistry, microbiology, epidemiology and hygiene. He must be well aware of the methods and means of disinfection, disinfestation and deratization. He must also be able to assess risks and choose the most effective methods for each specific case.

The work of a disinfection instructor includes conducting briefings for staff, training staff in disinfection and deratization methods, monitoring compliance with sanitary standards and rules, as well as participating in scheduled and emergency disinfection measures.

Overall, the exterminator trainer plays an important role in ensuring the safety and health of people and animals. His work requires high responsibility, professionalism and the ability to work in a team.