Flatulence Cadaveric

Cadaveric flatulence belongs to the category of pathological changes that occur during decomposition and putrefaction of the body. This is a process that can lead to numerous diseases of human organs. In this article we will take a closer look at what cadaveric flatulence is and what are its causes.

Flatulence is bloating and distension of the abdomen, which is associated with excess accumulation of gases in the intestines. Cadaveric flatulence is the accumulation of gases and liquids in the digestive system of a deceased person. It is caused by the processes of protein decomposition in the corpse. During rotting and fermentation, putrefactive bacteria and other microorganisms appear, which destroy soft tissues and contribute to the release of gases and liquids.

The main causes of corpse

Flatulence of a corpse is a type of pathological changes in the organs of the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems. Flatulence is manifested by bloating and partial bleeding or demarcation edema and tissue necrosis. There are 3 types of cadaveric flatulence: abdominal, peritoneal and intestinal. In 75% of cases, meteorosis is observed in the absence of putrefactive or putrefactive-traumatic phenomena on the skin caused by food poisons of bacterial origin. After examining the corpse, it is necessary to check the oral cavity and oropharynx to exclude findings of possible causes of death other than mechanical asphyxia. In addition, it is important to exclude the possibility of violent damage. Pain caused by flatulence causes a moderate inflammatory reaction, expressed in painful bloating, pain along the intestines, and the urge to urinate frequently.

Flatulence, or bloating, is a phenomenon observed in living and dead animals and humans. The most common symptoms are bloating and fever. In this case, it is bloating in the corpse due to decaying intestinal contents and weakening of the tone of the abdominal wall. This metaphysical term is called cadaveric bloat (cadaverous gas formation).

Flatulence occurs as a result of fermentation of intestinal contents. Typically, gases that are produced during the digestion process are removed from the body through the excretory system. But if the digestion process continues, then the gases accumulated in the intestines cannot be released. This leads to bloating.

Air can remain in the stomach of a corpse for up to several days. And the formation of large amounts of gas can lead to severe bloating of the stomach and even destruction of muscle tissue.

Bloating is a common problem for those who suffer from gastrointestinal problems. However, in the presence of inflammation or intestinal infection, bloating can become more intense, and can even lead to gas entering the lungs and the development of other health problems.