Stroke Apoplectic

An apoplexy stroke is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation, which results in blockage or rupture of arteries and subsequent death of part of the brain. The most common location of the process is the subcortical nodes, thalamus, hypothalamus.

This type of stroke is usually accompanied by arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, aneurysm, blood clots or atheromatous plaques - solid accumulations of cholesterol on the wall of the artery, which lead to its narrowing or rupture. With unchanged vessel walls and their adequate blood supply, stroke most often occurs with metabolic disorders, such as alcohol and other types of intoxication, uremia, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, psycho-emotional stress, fasting or excessive physical activity.

Symptoms The pathological condition is characterized by severe migraine-type headaches, followed by focal motor and sensory disturbances, less often - paralysis, changes in behavior and consciousness, and arterial hypertension. Without treatment, the risk of seizures, coma, and death is 38 per 1,000