Insuman Comb 25/75 For Optipen

Insuman Comb 25/75 for optipen: a modern solution for the control of diabetes mellitus

Insuman Comb 25/75 for optipen is a combined duration of action insulin developed in Germany. This drug is the result of many years of research and offers patients suffering from diabetes a convenient and effective therapy.

Insuman Comb 25/75 is manufactured by Hoechst AG in Germany. Thanks to high quality standards and modern production technologies, this drug provides a reliable reduction in blood sugar levels, which helps control the disease and prevent possible complications.

Insuman Comb 25/75 has the international name "Insulin-Comb" and is available on the market under various synonyms, such as Actrafan HM penfil 100, Berlinsulin N 10/90 U-40, Berlinsulin N 10/90 pen, Berlinsulin N 20/80 U -40, Berlinsulin N 20/80 pen, Berlinsulin N 30/70 U-40, Berlinsulin N 30/70 pen, Berlinsulin N 40/60 U-40, Berlinsulin N 40/60 pen, Biogulin 30/70 U-100 and Insul. This allows patients to choose the most suitable option for their individual needs.

The dosage form of Insuman Comb 25/75 is presented as an injection suspension with a concentration of 100 U/ml. This form allows you to conveniently and accurately measure the dose of insulin and administer it subcutaneously.

The main advantage of Insuman Comb 25/75 is its combined duration of action. This means that it contains two types of insulin: short-acting and long-acting, in a certain proportion (25% short-acting and 75% long-acting). This composition ensures a decrease in blood sugar levels after meals and maintains it at a stable level for a long time. This is especially important for patients with diabetes, as it helps prevent sudden fluctuations in glucose levels and maintains normal body function.

The use of Insuman Comb 25/75 for Optipen is usually recommended by a doctor, and the dosage may vary depending on the individual needs of the patient. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations and regularly monitor your blood sugar levels to achieve optimal treatment effects.

In conclusion, Insuman Comb 25/75 for Optipen is an innovative drug intended for the control of diabetes mellitus. Its convenient dosage form, combined duration of action and high quality production make it an effective tool for stabilizing blood sugar levels and improving the quality of life of patients. However, before starting to use Insuman Comb 25/75, you must consult your doctor and follow his recommendations to achieve the best treatment results.