Intermediate Substance

*Intermediate substance* is a concept that refers to the central part of organs and tissues in the human body. It is a key element for ensuring the proper functioning of the body as a whole. Homeopath and naturopath Dr. Vyacheslav Litvinov will tell us about what an ***intermediate*** substance is on his Youtube channel.

**IN. Litvinov. What is an interstitial substance? What is the interstitial organ of the human body usually associated with? As a rule, this is the clitoris in women or the penis in men. However, in fact, it is an anatomically and functionally integral, but highly specialized formation, comprising a huge number of cells, tissue and biochemical substances. It is to this organ that blood, lymph nodes and the finest “energy tubes” come, and a woman’s egg is “attached” here in order to develop into a full-fledged uterus