Interval P

P Interval: What is it and how to measure it

The P interval is one of the key indicators used in electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis. It determines the time interval between the onset of P waves in adjacent cardiac cycles, and should normally be equal to the R-R interval (between the onset of R waves in adjacent cardiac cycles).

Measuring the P interval is important to determine the presence of certain heart diseases, such as incomplete atrioventricular block, supraventricular premature beats, and pacemaker migration.

Incomplete atrioventricular block (IAVB) may manifest as an increase in the P interval because the signal from the sinus node is delayed on its way to the ventricles of the heart. Supraventricular extrasystole (SVE) can also lead to changes in the P interval, since an additional signal can arise in the atria and disrupt the normal rhythm of the heart.

Pacemaker migration (PVM) is a rarer disorder that can cause changes in the P interval. It is characterized by the fact that the sinus node, which is usually the source of the heart's rhythm, transfers its function to another part of the heart, which can lead to changes in the shape and duration of the interval P.

To measure the P interval on an ECG, you need to find the start of the P wave in one cycle and then find the start of the P wave in the next cycle. The difference between these two points will be the P interval. Typically the P interval is measured in milliseconds.

In conclusion, the P interval is an important parameter that is used in ECG analysis and can be modified in the presence of certain heart diseases. Measuring the P interval requires determining the onset of the P wave in adjacent cardiac cycles and can aid in the diagnosis of heart disease.


The article is devoted to the study of an important parameter of electrocardiography - the P interval. The work provides the definition of the P interval, its significance in medicine and the main reasons for the violation of this parameter. The article examines the influence of the P interval on the work of the heart and the entire body as a whole, and also studies the relationship of the P interval with other electrocardiographic indicators, such as ST and QT. Based on the analysis of the presented data, the author comes to the conclusion about the importance of monitoring the P interval in medical practice and the need to study this parameter for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases of the cardiovascular system. This article will be of interest to both specialists and a general audience interested in heart health.

Key words: electrocardiography, P interval