Pleurisy Congestive

**Congestive pleurisy** - inflammation of the pleural layers with the accumulation of exudate of various origins and its streaks in the lumen of the pleural cavity. It should be distinguished from encysted pleurisy, which are inflammatory diseases of the same nature, but have a clearly organized

Pleurisy belongs to the category of inflammatory diseases of the pleura and is expressed in the accumulation of fluid between the layers of the visceral and parietal pleura. This diagnosis sounds like a synonym for such concepts as congestive pleurisy or hypostatic pleurisy. The main causes of the disease are: long-term inflammatory process of organs located in the area of ​​the costal diaphragms; swelling of the parietal pleura; proliferation of connective tissue; diaphragm injuries; pulmonary or heart failure; hemodynamics; congenital defects of the diaphragm or pleura.

Among the causes that can cause the disease are: influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, colds, as well as manifestations of asthma and emphysema; rheumatoid arthritis; herpes virus types I and II; parasitic infections, tumors, etc. Symptoms of pleurisy may vary depending on the form of the disease and the cause that caused it. Pleuritic syndrome is an inflammatory disease of the pleural layers, manifested by chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, muscle tension during breathing, elevated temperature due to the accumulation of fluid in the form of serous (exudate), purulent or hemorrhagic (blood) exudation. The general symptoms of the disease depend on the type of exudate and the severity of the disease. A person’s breathing becomes impaired, tachycardia, pain when moving the body, general weakness, drowsiness, and sudden weight loss appear.

Factors provoking pleural diseases: previous exacerbations of respiratory infections;