Interview Method in Statistics

Interview Method in Statistics: Extracting Information through Direct Dialogue

In the field of statistics, researchers strive to obtain objective and reliable information about various aspects of the life of the population. One of the most common methods of collecting data is the interview method. This method is a process of obtaining information by directly questioning the people being surveyed on a certain range of issues.

The interview method is a powerful tool for collecting qualitative data because it allows researchers to establish direct contact with participants and obtain their opinions, views, and experiences. This interaction process can take many forms, including structured interviews with predefined questions, semi-structured interviews where there is some degree of flexibility, and unstructured interviews where the conversation is free and open.

One of the advantages of the interview method is its ability to adapt to different research situations. Researchers can choose the appropriate type of interview depending on the objectives, the topic of the study, and the characteristics of the individuals being interviewed. For example, structured interviews use predefined questions to ensure

The interview method in statistics is a kind of way of obtaining information based on a survey of people included in a given range of questions.

This method is convenient in that it allows one to identify information not only from individuals, but also from a social group, which in turn can be an important and valuable source for determining statistical patterns and parameters.

The interview method is based on collecting data from various sources, such as online questionnaires, autobiographical data, based on conversations and communication with research participants. It can also be used in combination with other research methods such as observation, questionnaires