
Intramedullary: what is it?

Intramedullary is a term used in medicine to describe processes occurring inside the brain stem. The word "intramedullary" comes from the Latin words "intra", which means "within", and "medulla", which means "brain".

The brain stem is part of the central nervous system, which lies between the brain and the spinal cord. It consists of three parts: the medulla oblongata, the pons and the midbrain. The brain stem plays an important role in regulating vital body functions such as breathing, heart rate and digestion.

An intramedullary process can be caused by a variety of causes, including trauma, infection, or tumor. It can lead to dysfunction of the brain stem, which can have serious consequences for the health and life of the patient.

For example, an intramedullary abscess is an infection of the brain stem that can lead to breathing and heart rhythm disturbances. An intramedullary tumor can impair brain stem functions such as motor coordination and speech.

Various techniques can be used to diagnose intramedullary processes, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). Treatment of intramedullary processes may include surgery, drug therapy, and radiation.

In conclusion, intramedullary is a term that describes the processes occurring within the brain stem. These processes can have serious consequences for the health and life of the patient, so it is important to promptly seek medical help if an intramedullary process is suspected.

Intramedullary (from Latin intramedullāris, medullā - brain), intummal. “intermedullary branch” (Latin medulla – gray matter of the brain or spinal cord; intus inside). See intramedillary.

In neuroanatomy, intracranial - related to the internal part of the brain, located between the two hemispheres (stem structures, bridge, cerebellum, basal ganglia). The intramedullary nerve (lat. nervus intramedularis) is a primary nerve located in the spinal cord canal between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae and is part of the posterior cord of the spinal cord.