Intrapartum Mortality Rate

Intrapartum Mortality Rate: a statistical indicator that reflects the ratio of the number of children who die during childbirth to the total number of live and stillborn births in a year. This indicator is expressed in ppm (‰) and is one of the main indicators of newborn health.

Intrapartum mortality is the death of an infant during childbirth or in the first 7 days after birth. This indicator is an important indicator of newborn health as it reflects the quality of care provided to mothers and children during pregnancy, childbirth and after birth.

The Intrapartum Mortality Rate is calculated by dividing the number of children who died during childbirth by the total number of live and dead births per year, multiplied by 1000. That is, if 1000 children were born in a year, and 5 of them died during childbirth, then the Intrapartum Mortality Rate will be 5‰.

This indicator is an important indicator of the quality of healthcare in the country. The higher the Intrapartum Mortality Rate, the worse the state of health care and medical care for pregnant women and newborns. Reducing this rate is one of the main health goals of many countries.

There are various reasons that can lead to a high Intrapartum Mortality Rate. Some of them include insufficient medical care, improper use of medical devices during childbirth, premature birth, infectious diseases in the mother, etc.

Overall, the Intrapartum Mortality Rate is an important indicator of newborn health and helps countries assess the quality of care provided to mothers and children during pregnancy, childbirth and after birth. Reducing this rate is a major health goal for many countries and can lead to improvements in the health and well-being of mothers and children.

Intrapartum mortality rate

Intrapartum Death Rate is a statistical indicator that is defined as the ratio of the number of deaths of children during birth to the total number of living and stillborn children who were born over a certain period of time, expressed as a percentage ([ppm](https://ru.wikipedia .org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0).)

An increase in the level of intranatal mortality is one of the important indicators of the health of the population as a whole, especially in countries where the demographic situation is critical. The reasons for the increase in the coefficient can be varied: from [incorrectly performed childbirth](, to disorders of the uteroplacental blood flow and other pathologies of pregnancy, which often require appointment as an obstetric , and intensive therapeutic care.

Data from recent years indicate that the level of perinatal mortality, that is, total death occurring during the perinatal period (from 22 weeks of pregnancy to 7 days of life) on average for the population in Europe ranges from 6 to 11‰. European countries such as Germany, France, Italy, Norway and Spain show increased intranasal mortality.