
Intraventricular disease

Intraventricular disease is a disease of brain tissue. They are provoked by infectious, traumatic, metabolic factors or occur as a consequence of multiple sclerosis, cirrhosis of the liver. To make a correct diagnosis, qualified medical examination and therapy are necessary. Most intraventricular diseases are characterized by increased danger.

Pathologies of capillaries and blood vessels

The pathological group of diseases of the vertebral vessels includes arteritis, arteriolitis, venous thrombophlebitis of the veins, extensive arteriovenous angiomatosis, clogging the venous-arterial network. These include the following ailments:

tortuous, deformed vein in the brain; accumulation of venous vessels; excessive tortuosity of blood vessels in the skull; bulging of the venous opening; dysfunction of the arteries located inside the ventricles. Arterial diseases include embolism, atherosclerotic disease, thrombosis, aneurysms, and varicose veins of the cerebral arteries.

Cranial nerve diseases

They affect the condition of the amniotic membranes, lymph nodes, nervous tissue, circulatory system, and brain. As a result, the thalamus, hypothalamus, large

Intra (from Latin intra - inside) is a prefix expressing being inside. Word formation using the prefix intra is very active in medicine and means finding something inside the human or animal body.

An example given in the name itself is intraventricular, literally - intragastric and meaning that there is some kind of internal intervention. You can also give examples of the intra prefix applied to organs: intramammary - located in the mammary gland, intravenous - located in a vein, etc. For clarity, you can also give the following example: adjective