Intussusception Double

Intussusception of two intestines is a pathological condition characterized by a violation of the anatomical position and correct relative position of the intestines as a result of their wrapping around each other. This pathology is the most common lesion of the abdominal organs in adults, after perforation of a duodenal ulcer (30–70% of cases), in children it most often occurs with congenital intestinal underdevelopment (15–35%) and adhesions (25–50%), as well as in the postoperative period (2–5%). In adolescents, the disease is more often detected in various age groups. The causes of the disease are abdominal trauma, surgical interventions, circulatory disorders, peritonitis, volvulus, severe intestinal flatulence. Intussusceptions in most cases occur during severe inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity, during inflammatory bowel diseases, as a complication of operations, i.e. after interventions on the abdominal organs. Taking into account the prevalence of acute gastrointestinal diseases in patients, it can be assumed that the infection rate among the male and female population is approximately the same. Moreover, infection of adults and children from the patient’s immediate environment has not been proven. Characteristic of this pathology is the chronic, long-term progression and development of dystrophic processes in the sclerotic areas of the intestines. Here the blood flow slows down, the venous walls disintegrate with the penetration of inflammatory exudate into the surrounding connective tissue. Thus, the nutrition of the intestinal wall is disrupted, and therefore, prolapses are first noted