
Ionization is the process of producing positive and negative ions, as well as free electrons, from neutral atoms or molecules. This process is one of the key mechanisms that underlie the work of living organisms. Ions and free electrons play an important role in various biological processes such as signal transduction, cellular metabolism, cell potential regulation and much more.

In the human body, ionization occurs constantly. For example, when we breathe, we inhale oxygen, which is ionized in the lungs and then transported by the blood to the cells. The reverse process occurs in cells - oxygen ions combine with electrons and form oxygen molecules, which are then removed from the cells in the form of carbon dioxide.

In addition, ionization also occurs as a result of chemical reactions in cells. For example, during photosynthesis, plants ionize carbon dioxide and water molecules to create glucose and oxygen molecules.

Ionization is a key process in maintaining a constant level of ions in the internal environment of the body and in cells. When ionization is disrupted, it can lead to various diseases and disorders. For example, excess ionization can lead to increased acidity levels in the body, which can cause various diseases such as cancer.

However, ionization can also be beneficial for the body. For example, it helps regulate cell potential and signaling between cells. In addition, ionization plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes.

Thus, ionization is an important process in the human body and plays a key role in maintaining the balance of ions and electrons. Understanding the mechanisms of ionization and its role in biological processes can help in the development of new methods of treatment and prevention of various diseases.


Ionization is a process in which positively and negatively charged particles and free electrons are formed from neutral atomic or molecular particles; a chemical reaction between electrically charged particles and molecules of a gas or liquid.