
Ionograms are a kind of visual “translation” of mathematical and algebraic formulas or expressions. In fact, such a transformation of well-known formulas is a thing few people are familiar with. And it’s not surprising, because ionograms are mostly represented by intuitive symbols and diagrams, and the process of constructing them can captivate you and provoke a whole series of new ideas and solutions, completely changing the usual view of old things in mathematics.

In this short post we will tell you about the visual representation of mathematical formulas using ionograms, which were first proposed in 1937 by Pierre Descruzes. The exciting world of ionograms will enrich your professional horizons. Let's take a look at this fascinating visual format, learn about its history, and maybe even use this mathematical code to solve problems we couldn't figure out before.

What is an "Ionogram"? ------------------------

Every adult should have the idea that science is a path of knowledge, where the truth is the truth expressed in a clear, simple and accessible language - the language of mathematics. Let's consider various mathematical expressions, using simple and understandable models: equations, graphs, diagrams. Just like Eq.