Ipomoea Jalapa, Or Jalapa

Ipomoea jalapa, or jalapa

Jalapa is a perennial plant of the bindweed family. It has a creeping rhizome and long, up to several meters, climbing stems. The leaves of the jalapa are large, heart-shaped, and the flowers are purple-red. The plant is native to the forests of the Mexican Cordillera; it also grows in Jamaica, South America and India.

The active ingredient of jalapa is the resin contained in the tubers. It consists of convolvulin, jalapin and other substances that have a strong laxative effect.

Previously, jalapa preparations were widely used in medicine as crude laxatives, produced in the form of pills. Now the use of yalapa in medicine is limited, it is mainly used in veterinary medicine. Jalapa is considered a poisonous plant and requires careful handling.