Nonbacterial Prostatitis

Nonbacterial prostatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Nonbacterial prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland that is not associated with a microbial infection. It is a common disease that often causes unpleasant symptoms and limits the quality of life of patients. In this article we will look at the causes of non-bacterial prostatitis, its symptoms and treatment methods.

Causes of non-bacterial prostatitis

No one still knows the exact cause of non-bacterial prostatitis. However, there is an opinion that the development of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland is associated with a complex of predisposing factors, such as impaired metabolic processes and blood circulation, and the presence of congestion in the organ.

Most patients suffering from nonbacterial prostatitis did not have genitourinary tract infections. When analyzing the gland's secretions, white blood cells - leukocytes - are detected, which indicates an inflammatory process, but no traces of infection are found in the urine.

Symptoms of non-bacterial prostatitis

The symptoms of non-bacterial prostatitis are practically no different from the signs of chronic bacterial prostatitis. These may include:

  1. Pain and discomfort in the perineum, testicles and rectum;
  2. Painful urination;
  3. Frequent urination;
  4. Nocturnal pollinuria (frequent urination at night);
  5. Weak urine flow;
  6. Erectile disfunction;
  7. Pain in muscles and joints.

If you notice these symptoms, consult your doctor. An examination and consultation with a specialist is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of non-bacterial prostatitis

Nonbacterial prostatitis cannot be treated with antibiotics because it is not associated with a microbial infection. Treatment for this condition usually consists of a combination of methods, including:

  1. Antibacterial drugs that can reduce inflammation in the prostate gland;
  2. Drugs to improve blood circulation and eliminate congestion in the organ;
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain and discomfort;
  4. Physical exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles;
  5. Prostate massage, which can help improve circulation and reduce inflammation;
  6. Lifestyle changes including healthy eating and exercise to reduce stress.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the prevention of non-bacterial prostatitis. To do this, you should avoid hypothermia, reduce stress levels, exercise regularly and eat right.

In conclusion, nonbacterial prostatitis is a common disease that can cause unpleasant symptoms and reduce the quality of life of patients. Although the exact cause of this disease is unknown, the body needs support to reduce inflammation and symptoms. If you suspect non-bacterial prostatitis, you should immediately consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.