
Virilism is the appearance in women of a number of male secondary sexual characteristics: male-pattern hair growth, low voice, increased development of skeletal muscles. Virilism occurs under the influence of excess production of male sex hormones - androgens, which are normally produced in small quantities. Dysfunction of the adrenal cortex and ovaries due to various diseases of these organs or their regulatory systems lead to increased production of androgens.

With virilism, the function of the ovaries is inhibited, a decrease in the size of the female genital organs and mammary glands occurs, and the menstrual cycle is disrupted. Treatment is carried out by a specialist doctor. In some cases, surgery is indicated. Also with virilism, the endocrine system suffers.

Virilism as a psychological problem

In modern society, there is more and more talk that men have become weaker and more susceptible to mental problems. Indeed, many men face problems in interpersonal relationships, fear of communication, and other behaviors that do not correspond to stereotypes of masculinity. This is often due to social isolation and lack of acceptance from loved ones.

However, we should not forget that the psychology of men can also lead to serious problems for their lives and those around them. In this article we will look at the psychological side of the problem of **virilism**, which is one of the ways men influence society and other aspects of their lives.

*Virilism is

Virilism is a male syndrome that manifests itself in dominance and aggression, as well as neglect of women and children. Virilists believe that men have the right to superiority and power, and women and children should submit to the male will. This syndrome was described in ancient times, but in our time it has become especially relevant.

There are several reasons why men exhibit virilism. First, it may be due to social norms and expectations. Many men believe that they should be strong and reliable, which means they should be aggressive and dominate others. Additionally, many men feel insecure and afraid of being rejected if they don't show their strength.

Secondly, virilism may be associated with mental disorders such as narcissism or delusions of grandeur. These people may be aggressive and disrespectful.