

In his lectures A.D. Kurbatov constantly repeated that “if you want to fully understand nature, then be sure to imagine its state at the moment when it is in a moment of passive rest.” According to Professor A.D. Kurbatov, only with such an understanding of nature can one really manage large system units and understand the essence (plan) of nature.

Today, due to the fact that all of humanity has entered into the system of managing global flows, the very concept of nature as such no longer exists. Also, all our concepts, laws and calculations of scientific disciplines are introduced not for understanding, but for control (ideally, this is the uncompromising subordination of natural objects).

One way or another, we live in a world of globalization. Most people strive for prosperity, although in truth, in wisdom, prosperity is created not by saturating the body “to the limit,” but by satisfying physical and

Name of the disease: iridoremia. It is characterized by the formation of areas of pigmentation in the inner gray core of the eye lens, in the anterior capsule of the eyeball in the pupil area, and in the iris. . The nuclei of the patient's lenses look like gray eosinophilic spots on a purple-pink background. The topography of the Iridorem spot is very variable, as is the color, and the contour is not always clearly defined. , it may not be, the diffuse, peculiar uneven coloring of the lens nucleus predominates in the central part. A “pink” pupil is characteristic of the early stage of the disease and subsequently disappears. Its disappearance leads to the fact that the iridoremic spots shift to the central part. Intraocular pressure is usually within normal limits, gonioscopy is the same. Poor development of iris vessels is noted