
Paragrammatism: The Art of Writing and Reading

Paragrammatism is a concept that combines two important aspects of communication: writing and reading. The term comes from the Greek words "para" (meaning "parallel" or "complementary") and "grammata" (meaning "the ability to write and read"). Paragrammatism is the ability and skill to effectively use the written form of language to convey information and understand texts.

In the modern information society, paragrammatism plays an important role. It is an integral part of education and communication in various fields of activity, be it business correspondence, academic research or online messaging. Mastering paragrammatic skills allows us to effectively express ourselves, convey information, and interact with others on a written level.

One of the main aspects of paragrammatism is the ability to create clear and grammatically correct sentences. Grammar is the basic building block of written language, and incorrect use of grammatical structures can lead to misunderstandings and distortion of the meaning of the text. Correct use of grammar helps us become clearer, more precise, and more persuasive writers.

The second aspect of paragrammatism is the skill of reading and understanding texts. Reading is key to absorbing information and expanding your knowledge. Mastering reading skills allows us to extract meaning from text, analyze information, develop critical thinking, and expand our vocabulary. Reading also helps us become more informed and educated people, capable of analytical thinking and creativity.

In addition, paragrammatism also has practical significance in everyday life. It helps us communicate effectively with other people, be it through email, social media or letters. Having well-developed paragrammatical skills contributes to the clarity and accuracy of our communications, and also prevents possible misunderstandings and conflicts associated with misunderstandings of what is written.

How to develop paragrammatism skills? It is important to constantly practice writing and reading. Read a variety of texts such as books, articles, news and blogs. Pay attention to grammatical structures and sentence structure. Write texts regularly, edit and correct your written works. It is also helpful to study grammar rules and use dictionaries and reference books to expand your vocabulary and improve the accuracy of your word usage.

Online resources and apps can also be useful for developing paragrammatical skills. There are various online courses and workouts that can help you practice writing and reading. There are also grammar and spelling checking apps that can help you correct mistakes and improve your skills.

In conclusion, paragrammatism plays a key role in our modern society. Mastering writing and reading skills is essential for successful communication and achieving personal and professional goals. Developing your paragramming skills takes practice, study, and constant improvement, but it is an effort worth making to improve your communication effectiveness and expand your capabilities in the world of the written word.


Paragrammatism is a violation of the structure and grammar of a language. This term comes from the science of information transfer. In the world of scientific linguistics, this term is used in several meanings. However, it can be taken as a slur to describe a person with extremely poor literacy or an ignorant person. What should be understood by the word paragrammatism? A paragrammatic utterance is an utterance that goes beyond the rules of grammar of the particular language for which it was created. Such statements may turn out to be entire sentences that are not understood by the speaker of a particular language, since we are talking about an external grammatically incorrect phenomenon. Understanding of paragram is one of the “rudimentary” ones, that is, characteristic of the last stage of the development of the protolanguage. In other words, this phenomenon characterizes the early stage of language development (archaism). For example, when we say “invention,” then at first this word should be perceived as an invention. We are talking about lexical unproductive words with lost morphemes, which can be incorrectly interpreted as grammatical forms of unproductive words. Typically, such words are rarely used. Often they can be understood as spelling incorrect forms of productive words. Of course, the perception of them as paragrammatic words depends on the context. Thus, the expression “disgusting appearance” when describing a person’s appearance is considered an incorrect form of the adjective “disdainful” only in comparison, as can be judged by the context. And the expression “sitting on a bag” instead of “sitting” looks paragrammatic only when applied to those cases when we are talking about sitting on something. That is, in the context he is, sits or lies on something, but nothing else. Thus, paragrammatic variants can be used quite often in literature and works of art. Many famous people have encountered similar incidents, which can be easily discovered when studying their biography, for example, Chekhov or Griboedov.

Paragrammatism is the phenomenon when a person loses the need to create full-fledged speech statements and text. Degradation of grammar leads to the fact that a person cannot conduct a constructive conversation or describe his thoughts and emotions. Subsequently, this leads to isolation, difficult relationships in society, and inability to integrate into society. Thus, paragrammar is a symptom of mental health disorders and is characterized as a syndrome of impaired communication skills.

The problem of paragrammar appears as a result of long-term negative influence from people in youth. The critical age for paragrammatic phenomena is from 7 to 25 years, most cases occur before the age of 12 years. People suffering from paragrammar no longer have the opportunity to prevent its development: it is genetically programmed into them. Perhaps children demonstrating such a disorder are born for neurological reasons: excessive mobility of nervous processes, physical prematurity. It is quite difficult to identify paragrammatic difficulties in children, since in the first stages there is inconsistency in speech forms, some pronunciation deficiencies, and later perseverations and verbalism may appear. Because of these features, children can easily understand written text by ear. This is explained by the increased need to perceive information, to isolate the important part from what is heard. Vivid examples of paragrammatism in childhood can be reading a text written by another person, reproducing a learned role, retelling dialogues and books. If you do not notice the presence of these symptoms in a timely manner, the process will worsen. It is important to seek help from a psychotherapist at an early stage to prevent further problems with communication and communication.

A paragrammatician is a person whose ability to reason is in marked decline.