Iridocyclitis Nongranulomatous

Iridocyclitis Agranulomatous

Iridocyclitis agranulomatous is a serious ophthalmological disease, which is accompanied by inflammation of the iris and ciliary body, i.e. tissues located behind the white membrane of the eye. It is one of the most common eye diseases and can cause serious vision problems. The causes of the disease can be different, and often they remain unclear. This is due to the fact that this ophthalmological disease is very serious, and this makes diagnosis difficult. In this regard, many patients are misdiagnosed, which leads to incorrect therapy, namely, the prescription of treatment based on self-medication, instead of the use of serious drugs that should provide an adequate course of treatment.

Iridocyclitis is an inflammatory disease of the eye that can lead to serious complications such as blindness. One type of iridocyclitis is Iridocyclitis granulosa, which is characterized by the presence of small nodules in the iris of the eye. However, there is another type of disease called iridocylitis nongranulosa. In this article we will look at what Iridocyclitis granulomatosis is, what symptoms it causes and how to treat it.