Iridocyclitis Sympathetic

Iridocyclitis "Sympathetic" is one of the most common eye diseases. This is an inflammatory process that occurs in the iris and ciliary body of the eye. It is manifested by the appearance of pain, redness of the eyes and decreased vision. Typically treatment for this disease includes antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. In this

Iridocyclitis is an inflammation of the posterior segment of the eye, accompanied by involvement of the iris and ciliary body. A distinction is made between an independent disease that develops in isolation from uveitis or an irritating eye pathology of another origin, and symptomatic iridocyclitis that accompanies one or another inflammation of the anterior segment of the eye - a purulent process, cataracts, a myopic eye complicated by aphakia or cataracts, inflammatory disease of the eyelids or conjunctiva.

The main difference between iridocyclitis is the condition of the iris. With this disease, there is a significant increase in cellular elements in the anterior parts of the iris, causing it to enlarge and amorphize. The cornea is also involved in the process - deterioration of sphericity and deposition of Descemet's membrane occurs. The microvessels of the ciliary processes are irreversibly damaged. There is an enlarged anterior chamber with a large amount of exudate, in which there is a modified iris. Spots that appear as bubbles may appear in the iris. The affected iris is pushed back due to damage to the anterior oblique ligaments. Patients with pathology of the iris tissue subjectively feel as if sand had entered them. Heaviness appears on the eyelashes, headache, photophobia, lacrimation, redness of the eyeball. Significant iris prolapse can occur under its own weight. This is a pathognomonic sign for an infectious disease. Also, with the development of iris pathology, vision deteriorates.