Irritant Situational

Environmental stimuli are nonspecific stimuli that can influence the interaction between specific stimuli and biological structure. They can be physical, chemical or psychological.

Nonspecific stimuli can influence the interaction between stimuli by changing their intensity, frequency, and duration. For example, if a person is in a noisy environment, this may affect his ability to perceive sound stimuli.

Also, nonspecific stimuli can change the sensitivity of a biological structure to specific stimuli. For example, a person may be more sensitive to sounds in noisy environments.

Environmental stimuli may play an important role in regulating the interaction between specific and nonspecific stimuli. They can help us adapt to changing environmental conditions and improve our ability to process information.

Situational stimuli are nonspecific stimuli that affect specific receptors and structures of living organisms that are adequate to them in a certain environment. A nonspecific stimulus is a stimulus that can excite any receptors. By influencing specialized receptors, environmental